A few words about us
InSimo core company values are implication of everyone, innovation and cohesion.
All our team members are recruited because of their complementary skills and experiences: The startup strength is based on dynamic and competitive people. This fosters creativity and emergence of innovative ideas.
Executive Team
Pierre-Jean Bensoussan - Team

Pierre-Jean Bensoussan

Chief Executive Officer

Pierre-Jean Bensoussan is a Software Engineer from ENSIMAG with a previous experience of mechanical modelling and simulation acquired at Inria and in a startup. Co-founder of InSimo, he’s now leading the team.

Jérémie Allard - Team

Jérémie Allard

Chief Technical Officer

Jérémie Allard has a PhD in Computer Science from Inria specialized in interactive simulation. After his experience as a research scientist, he co-founded InSimo. Today, he leads the innovation and technical strategy of the company.

R&D and Management Team
François Crevits
François Crevits

Software Engineer

Colin Guyon - Team
Colin Guyon

Senior Software Engineer

Oxana Gnatenko

Executive Assistant & Office Manager

Brice Valentin - Team
Brice Valentin

Senior Product Manager

Marine Shao

Software Engineer

Caroline fluck - Team
Caroline Fluck

Software & Hardware Engineer

Charles Duménil - Team
Charles Duménil

Co-Head of Development

Thomas Jund - Team
Thomas Jund

Director of Eye Surgery Simulation

Eloïse Leclerc

Software Engineer

Gauthier Zirnhelt - Team
Gauthier Zirnhelt

Senior Software Engineer

Melissa Martins

Software Engineer

Marie Monfouga

Software Engineer

Hussein El Amine

Software Engineer

Thomas Duhamel

Software Engineer

Nicolas Gautier - Team
Nicolas Gautier

Co-Head of Development

Loïc Garry - Team
Loïc Garry

Software Engineer

François Jourdes - Team
François Jourdes

Head of Research

Noémie Branstett-Jordy

Communication Manager

Guillaume Peiffert - Team
Guillaume Peiffert

Senior Software Engineer

Nicolas Hoerter

Software Engineer

Guillaume Deschamps

Software Engineer

Héloïse Guillot

Training & Education Manager

Luc Lichtle - Team
Luc Lichtle

Senior Software Engineer & Project Manager

Lil Le Crom
Lil Le Crom

Software Engineer

Sonia Medoumir

Software Engineer & Training Manager

Scientific Advisors
Stéphane Cotin - Team

Stéphane Cotin

Stéphane Cotin joined Inria in 2007 to hold a position of Research Director. Before joining Inria, he was Research Lead for the Medical Simulation Group at CIMIT. His main research interests are in physics-based simulation, real-time simulation of soft-tissue deformations, and medical applications.

Christian Duriez - Team

Christian Duriez

Christian Duriez is senior research scientist at Inria and expert in Fast Finite Element Methods, simulation of contact response and other complex mechanical interactions, new algorithms for haptics, and, more recently, control for soft-robot. As a founder of InSimo, he provides his scientific support for the developments of the company.

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