Pr. Jacques-Eric Gottenberg
Head of Service, Rheumatologist - Strasbourg University Hospitals
“An interesting meeting”
“Sim&Care really allows sensations very close to reality and it’s a nice meeting we had with the startup InSimo who had developed this expertise in force feedback.
“A great collaboration”
“We developed a collaboration in a few months and my service was in charge to test technical advances and the realistic side of the device. We also ask our students to check the applicability of this device and its pedagogical value. InSimo regularly visits the department with its devices and we have built a great collaboration[…]”
“Improve the training and reduce pain”
“We have had thanks to this fruitful collaboration different gratifications and prizes, like the one obtained during the hacking health camp. The objective of Sim&Care is really to improve the training of the students and to reduce the pain of the patients!”