Obstetrics and Gynaecology Ultrasound

Fetal ultrasound and endometriosis identification


Obstetrics and Gynaecology

In collaboration with


About the OB-GYN curriculum

What are the different steps to master in order to perform a fetal ultrasound? How to properly monitor the fetus during pregnancy? How to diagnose endometriosis?

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    3 clinical case

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    3 guided exercises

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    Fetal and pelvic ultrasound

  • Patient pregnant of 33 WA, with a fetus in cephalic presentation, anterior back

  • Learn the anatomical basis for endometriosis diagnosis on a healthy patient

  • Locate and measure the anterior and posterior compartments of the uterus
  • Locate and measure the uterine torus
  • Locate posterior vesical arteries arising from cervico-vaginal pedicles

  • Locate and measure endometriosis nodules in the vesico-uterine space and around the utero-sacral ligaments