Start learning ultrasound now!

Hands-on training, online, with diSplay U/S simulator

Ultrasound training accessible anywhere, anytime

Turn your computer into a virtual ultrasound machine

Start learning ultrasound now...

Experience diSplay U/S, our online ultrasound simulator : an intuitive software designed to ensure a complete training on the fundamentals of ultrasound & standardized protocols.

... with diSplay U/S!

  • Laptop

    An accessible online simulator on your device

  • null

    Hands-on self training without any additional hardware

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    Healthy and pathological clinical cases

  • Student

    Guided exercises, MCQs & curriculums

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    Gesture training with your smartophone

Virtual Ultrasound Courses

Practice diagnosis without specific equipment with already

more than 70 exercises and clinical cases

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      FREE content

      Get started by exploring two healthy patients and learn how to manipulate the probe with diSplay U/S Probe app

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      Renal clinical ultrasound

      Conduct a kidney ultrasound and learn how to identify common pathologies

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      FAST U/S

      Learn trauma diagnosis following the FAST protocol

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      Pulmonary & POCUS

      Lung ultrasound following the POCUS protocol for COVID-19 diagnosis

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      Bladder & prostate

      Learn to detect common pathologies in your patient’s bladder and prostate

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      Learn the fundamentals of obstetric ultrasound and endometriosis identification

    diSplay U/S an ultrasound learning companion

    for beginners to expert

    A unique solution for...

    • Hospital

      Add an innovative, fun and interactive solution to your training suitable for both face-to-face and distance learning.

    • Doctor

      Complete your continuing training with autonomous practice on the fundamentals of ultrasound. Train with no risk, practice with confidence!

    • null

      Discover ultrasound in full autonomy and put your skills in practice through exercises dedicated to learning standardized procotols.

    Start learning ultrasound now and join the community!

    Already more than 10 000 users worldwide

    have chosen diSplay U/S to learn ultrasound online !

    An ultrasound simulator just a click away

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      Create your profile on
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      Select your patient case and access to their medical file
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      Choose your probe and examine your 3D virtual patient
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      Get started with our ultrasound exercises
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      Test your skills and analyze your results
    • Learning by doing

    Train in autonomy with guided exercises. Follow the instructions to capture the best images and make your diagnosis.

    • Pathological case

    Scan virtual patients coming from real CT data.Choose your patient-case, access its medical file and start you ultrasound exploration.

    • Accessible

    Transform any connected computer into a virtual ultrasound machine. No custom hardware needed to train on diSplay U/S.

    • No limits

    Look for pathologies as a real exam, thanks to our real time ultrasound images simulation. Our virtual patients can be examined without limits.

    Schedule a live demo of our

    diSplay U/S simulator

    diSplay U/S

    Practice the ultrasound gesture with diSplay U/S probe app

    Discover the diSplay U/S probe app!

    Control the virtual ultrasound probe with your smartphone!

    Add gesture to your hands-on learning by naturally manipulating the probe.

    discover the it

    An ultrasound learning tool developed with medical experts

    The origins of diSplay U/S
    Our simulator has been developed to help train medical professionals and medical students to diagnose and monitor COVID-19 through lung ultrasound.

    The project now…
    We then continued our efforts to provide an accessible and versatile solution for global ultrasound learning. Thanks to diSplay Learning, you can now train for the fundamentals of Lungs Ultrasound, and the diagnosis protocol POCUS.

    What’s next?
    Our team is working to broaden the scope of our simulator, to offer an ever-expanding training offer to meet the needs of as many people as possible. Therefore, you will soon be able to learn everything about the emergency protocol FAST.

    Telediag Medic@lps IHU Strasbourg

    Some references…

    • Buonsenso, D., Pata, D., & Chiaretti, A. (2020). COVID-19 outbreak: less stethoscope, more ultrasound. The Lancet Respiratory Medicine
    • Peng, Q.-Y., Wang, X.-T., & Zhang, L.-N. (2020). Findings of lung ultrasonography of novel corona virus pneumonia during the 2019–2020 epidemic. Intensive Care Medicine
    • Poggiali, E., Dacrema, A., Bastoni, D., Tinelli, V., Demichele, E., Mateo Ramos, P., … Magnacavallo, A. (2020). Can Lung US Help Critical Care Clinicians in the Early Diagnosis of Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pneumonia? Radiology200847.
    • Soldati, G., Smargiassi, A., Inchingolo, R., Buonsenso, D., Perrone, T., Briganti D. F., … Demi, L. (2020a). Is There a Role for Lung Ultrasound During the COVID-19 Pandemic? Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine
    • Soldati, G., Smargiassi, A., Inchingolo, R., Buonsenso, D., Perrone, T., Briganti, D. F., … Demi, L. (2020b). Proposal for International Standardization of the Use of Lung Ultrasound for Patients With COVID-19.Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine

    Subscribe to diSplay U/S and upgrade your ultrasound skills

    Choose your plan, pay with a debit or credit card, cancel any time

    Discovery mode


    Lifetime access

    Getting started with
    • Healthy patient cases
    • OB/GYN sponsored content
    • Hands-on training with diSplay U/S Probe App

    Unlimited Experience


    per month

    238,80€ billed yearly

    Premium Access

    Unlock ALL our courses:
    • POCUS
    • FAST
    • OB/GYN
    • URINARY TRACT preview
    • BREAST U/S preview

    Module subscription, tailored to your needs


    per month

    74,90€ billed half-yearly

    Module Access for 6 months

    Choose 1 course between:
    • POCUS
    • FAST
    • URINARY TRACT soon
    • BREAST U/S soon

    A student ? Contact us and get your special discount code

    Training Center

    You are a Training center

    You’re a group / institution? improve and accelerate the training of your students in subscribing to our online ultrasound simulator. Specific pricing upon request, Interested? Contact Us!

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