Happy 2025✨

Let’s take a moment to celebrate 𝐈𝐍Simo highlights that marked 2024:

👪 “New 𝐈𝐍”: InSimo expands its solutions portfolio!
📆 “𝐈𝐍 the field”: You tried out our simulators at many congresses in France and worldwide
🎓 “Train𝐈𝐍g”: Our training engineers have traveled tens of thousands of kilometers to train hundreds of students
📹 …no more teasing: time to watch the video to discover more!

Try ROBOTiS at Chirurgie 4.0 Congress

Join us at the Inter-Association Anatomy and Surgical Robotics Days, October 16 and 17 in Nice (JARCA).

These 2 days, organized in partnership with the Conseil National des Jeunes Chirurgiens (CNJC), Enosis Santé, the French alliance of healthcare competitiveness clusters (BioValley France, Eurobiomed, Lyonbiopole and Medicen), aim to bring together and federate over 400 clinical, industrial, academic and institutional players who wish to respond collectively to the new challenges facing surgical practice.