Happy 2025✨

Let’s take a moment to celebrate 𝐈𝐍Simo highlights that marked 2024:
👪 “New 𝐈𝐍”: Our simulator range is expanding! Pleural puncture and ultrasound guidance on Sim&Care, marketing of the generic & portable ROBOTiS robotic surgery simulator, a range of new exercises now available on diSplay U/S (kidneys, urinary tract, gynecology, obstetrics…) ➡️ InSimo expands its solutions portfolio!
📆 “𝐈𝐍 the field”: You tried out our simulators at many congresses in France and worldwide
🎓 “Train𝐈𝐍g”: Training courses in punctures and infiltrations, robotic surgery, microsurgery… our training engineers have traveled tens of thousands of kilometers to train hundreds of students
📹 …no more teasing: time to watch the video to discover more!
© Magazine de la Santé, Len Axis, HelpMeSee
Artist Nick Petrov

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