This summer, diSplay Learning unveiled its new features, allowing students to plan bariatric surgeries.
New procedures avalaible
The range of digestive surgeries in diSplay Learning expands with several bariatric procedures now available : gastric banding, sleeve gastrectomy and endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty. These features enable students to either plan the installation of a gastric ring ; an open sleeve gastrectomy by removing a part of the patient’s stomach ; or an endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty, using an endoscopic suturing device.
These new features put to the test
Courses for Strasbourg medical students: A successful collaboration
Medical student of Strasbourg University were able to use diSplay Learnig during a surgical planning course. These courses are the result of a successful collaboration between InSimo, GEPROVAS and UNISIMES. Last year, it resulted in the co-development of the curriculum eSURG&SIM. Dedicated to the planning of gastric lesions resection, the eSURGE&SIM module proved the relevance of diSplay Learning as an educational tool.
Using a patient-specific virtual anatomy reconstituted from scanner images, 12 students working in pairs were able to visualise and test different surgical approaches and determine the best one for the patient case proposed.
The students were guided through the courses by Dr Isabelle Talon, who is involved in the UNISIMES. Her medical and pedagogical expertise help us to promote diSplay learning as an efficient teaching tool.
diSplay Learning part of an educational program on surgical innovation
Every year, the BEST (Business Engeneering and Surgical Technologies) Program is held by two preeminent actors for medical innovation in Strasbourg, IRCAD and IHU, for medical professionals, regardless of their background. Part of this Program consist in puting in the spotlights innovations considered crucial for the future of surgery training. This year, thanks to diSplay Learning, more than 30 medical professionals were able to plan an endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty.
More to come!
The collaboration between InSimo, GEPROVAS and UNISIMES is supported by the Région Grand Est through a financing which enables the developement of new educational content on other surgical specialties. At the end of this new phase of developement, the diSplay offer will cover digestive surgery, urological surgery and cardiovascular surgery. Read the press release!

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