The 15th June 2018, InSimo presented its first Virtual Surgical Planning course with diSplay Learning.
diSplay Learning: eSURG&SIM Curriculum
On Friday, June 15, 2018 InSimo collaborated with GEPROVAS and UNISIMES to organize and provide the first surgical course conducted with the software diSplay Learning. The Project diSplay aims at creating different modules for surgical planning simulation dedicated to medical students, using virtual organs with high-fidelity behavior. InSimo diSplay Learning software is a tool to ease the transfer of skills and knowledge on medical specialties.
A virtual anatomy reconstituted from the scanned images of a patient, allowed the students to reproduce the process of a certain surgical procedure. The simulation made it possible to calculate the consequences of the gestures implemented and to virtually visualize the organs impacted by the surgery. In this way, students could determinate the best approach for each proposed patient case.
If you’re still curious, go find some videos of our Virtual Surgical Planning software diSplay Learning on our YouTube Channel!
The educational support
On this occasion the Module eSURG&SIM was presented to the students, who had the opportunity to test the software for the first time. The course hosted 17 students from the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Strasbourg. In groups of two, they worked together to find the best surgical strategy for a given patient and for a specific surgical case. The Module is dedicated to digestive surgical planning on stomach lesions.
A patient-specific case was presented to the students. Thanks to the essential educational support of the Dr Isabelle Talon, the students were guided through the whole learning process. Dr Talon is involved in the medical simulation unit of the Medical Faculty of the University of Strasbourg, UNISIMES. Her medical and pedagogical expertise helped us to promote this first diSplay learning curriculum as an efficient teaching tool.
The partners
These three partners collaborated together to release the Module eSURG&SIM.

GEPROVAS (European Research Group on Applied Prostheses for Vascular Surgery) is an association characterized by a multidisciplinary research on cardiovascular materials and by the development of an innovative academic educational program by simulation in vascular surgery.
UniSimes, the European Simulation Unit in Healthcare, aims at using simulation in many educational areas through high and low fidelity mannequin, role plays and serious games developed in the field of health (Health Games). The unit is used for initial and continuous medical education.
The pictures
Schedule a course
If you’re interested in our solution, contact us to schedule a course with our Virtual Surgical Planning diSplay Learning!
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