The 15th June 2018, InSimo presented its Surgical Planning Simulation software, diSplay Learning, at the event Futur.e.s in Paris.
The 21, 22 and 23 June 2018, InSimo participated to the ninth edition of the biggest and free European festival dedicated to digital innovation: Futur.e.s (ex-Futur en Seine). Created in 2009 by Cap Digital, Futur.e.s returned to Paris for a three-days festival at the Grande Halle de la Villette.
More than 20.000 visitors, among which a large number of professionals from every business sector, have been welcomed. The format of this year’s edition proposed an unprecedented experience around the theme “Various futures are possible” (“Plusieurs futures sont possibles”).
To present the latest French and International innovations to the grand public.

Futur.e.s Festival, Grande Halle de La Villette, Paris 2018.

Futur.e.s Festival, Grande Halle de La Villette, Paris 2018.

Futur.e.s Festival, Grande Halle de La Villette, Paris 2018.

Futur.e.s Festival, Grande Halle de La Villette, Paris 2018.

Futur.e.s Festival, Grande Halle de La Villette, Paris 2018.

Futur.e.s Festival, Grande Halle de La Villette, Paris 2018.

Futur.e.s Festival, Grande Halle de La Villette, Paris 2018.

Futur.e.s Festival, Grande Halle de La Villette, Paris 2018.

Futur.e.s Festival, Grande Halle de La Villette, Paris 2018.

Futur.e.s Festival, Grande Halle de La Villette, Paris 2018.

Futur.e.s Festival, Grande Halle de La Villette, Paris 2018.

Futur.e.s Festival, Grande Halle de La Villette, Paris 2018.
InSimo participated to the pathway “Rewriting the living: nature, health, food“.
Nowadays, are we able to ignore the limits imposed by nature?
« Rewriting the living is what many innovations promise us and, even if they seem incredible, yet have nothing futuristic. Modification of the genome, control of biological clocks and bacteria, boost of the brain: from the treatment of diseases to the birth of a super-man, there is only one small step, but what a great step! The implications of such changes are at the heart of this “living” journey. »
Futur.e.s Blog
“Rewriting the living” has been a pathway focused on the ability of human beings to rewrite the relationship among men and nature. This journey was all about the brand-new technologies that seem to be capable of changing the coexistence between the human and the nature, finding new opportunities to increase the quality of life.
For InSimo, to « rewrite the living » meant to provide a surgical simulation software. Developing organ models with biological behavior and high-fidelity mechanics in virtual reality, InSimo presented the latest prototype of diSplay Learning. The software will be released in September, with the objective of supporting students and surgeons in the choice of the best operating strategy for a specific patient.
On a virtual anatomy reconstituted from the scanned images of a patient, the surgeon or the student will be able to reproduce the process of a certain surgical procedure envisaged. The simulation then makes it possible to calculate the consequences of the gestures implemented and to virtually visualize the organs impacted by the surgery. The user can then determine the best approach for each proposed patient case.

Virtual stomach inflation simulation and visualization of tissues’ tensions
Virtual stomach simulation and visualization of tissues' tensions on diSplay Learning

Simulation of a suture on a virtual stomach
Simulation of a suture on a virtual stomach on diSplay Learning

diSplay Learning demo for the youngsters
diSplay Learning demo for the youngsters

diSplay Learning Demonstration
Demonstration on our surgical planning software, diSplay Learning

The French journal L’Express at our stand
The French journal L'Express at our stand for a reportage on our simulator, diSplay Learning

diSplay Learning demonstration on a virtual stomach
diSplay Learning demonstration on a virtual stomach

Surgery education
Virtual stomach inflation simulation and visualization of tissues' tensions on diSplay Learning

Simulation of a suture on a virtual stomach
Simulation of a suture on a virtual stomach on diSplay Learning

diSplay – develop clinical reasoning
diSplay Learning demonstration and visualisation 3D of virtual organs

Visualisation 3D of virtual organs of a specific patient
Visualisation 3D of virtual organs of a specific patient on diSplay Learning

Virtual stomach inflation simulation and visualization of tissues’ tensions
Virtual stomach simulation and visualization of tissues' tensions on diSplay Learning

Simulation of a suture on a virtual stomach
Simulation of a suture on a virtual stomach on diSplay Learning

diSplay Learning demo for the youngsters
diSplay Learning demo for the youngsters

diSplay Learning Demonstration
Demonstration on our surgical planning software, diSplay Learning

The French journal L’Express at our stand
The French journal L'Express at our stand for a reportage on our simulator, diSplay Learning

diSplay Learning demonstration on a virtual stomach
diSplay Learning demonstration on a virtual stomach

Surgery education
Virtual stomach inflation simulation and visualization of tissues' tensions on diSplay Learning

Simulation of a suture on a virtual stomach
Simulation of a suture on a virtual stomach on diSplay Learning

diSplay – develop clinical reasoning
diSplay Learning demonstration and visualisation 3D of virtual organs

Visualisation 3D of virtual organs of a specific patient
Visualisation 3D of virtual organs of a specific patient on diSplay Learning